Auto Email Reports

This feature allows you to schedule a regular email of a report to a specific email address.
Use case examples:
- Send your finance office a monthly email of all event fees received
- Send your membership administrator a weekly email of overdue renewals.

Settings In the Report

  • Open the report you would like to auto email.
  • In the Email Delivery tab fill out the fields
    • Subject (this is the email subject)
    • To (enter the email of the one who is to receive this report)
    • CC (optional: enter the email of a recipient to be carbon copied in the report emails)
      (Separate multiple 'To' or 'CC' email addresses with commas.)
  • In the 'Title and Form Tab' you can configure the title, description, header and footer of the report.
    • If you don't know HTML, leave the header as-is and delete everything in the footer
  • Note the id of this report. You can find the ID in the browser's address bar. It is the number that comes after instance/
  • Save your settings by going to action > save


Create a Scheduled Job to have the report sent to you

  • Navigate to the Scheduled Jobs screen (administer > system settings > scheduled jobs)
  • Click Add New Scheduled Job
  • Put in the following settings
    • Name: This can be whatever you want. Example: Email Contribution Report
    • Description: This can be empty or whatever you want. Example: Generates and sends out reports via email
    • Run Frequency: Select how often you want this report to be emailed out. 
    • API Call Entity: type Job
    • API Call Action: type mail_report
    • Command Parameters are
      • instanceId=enter the numeric id of the report
      • format=pdf or format=csv only put one of the 2
    • Check the '