Stripe is a very popular credit card processor mainly due to its capability of dealing with expired credit cards and also because there is no upfront cost to use Stripe. As of now, stripe integrates with CiviCRM for front end forms.
Integrating Stripe
In Chabad Suite
- Navigate to Administer > System Settings > Payment Processors and click "Add Payment Processor"
- From the "Payment Processor Type" drop-down menu, select "Stripe"
- In the Name field, enter the word "Credit Card"
- Select a financial account (if you are not using Chabad Suite in your Bookkeeping workflow, any account will work)
- Complete the requested fields and enter your API Keys from your account
- Log in to your Stripe account, and click on Developers (1) on the top right, then on API keys (2) tab. Copy the Publishable key and the Secret key (3) and paste them in the “live” section on the CRM. (Note that some accounts will only show you the secret key for one time. Make sure to paste and save it somewhere).
Then click on the View test data (4) and a different Publishable key and Secret key (5) will be shown (both will start with pk_test and sk_test). Copy and paste them in the “test” section on the CRM.