Packaged Searches

Some helpful searches and reports are available to all sites. To access them, go to Reports > Packaged Searches, where you will find the following saved searches:

  • Snowbird Addresses - if you have contacts with a primary address and a snowbird address (a summer home etc.), you can mark their secondary addresses as Snowbird in the address details section. This search will bring up all the contacts that have a snowbird address with their secondary addresses info. You can sort the results by different columns, you can also select some or all contacts and make different actions, like sending email, updating records and more.
  • Failed Transactions - a list of all the failed transactions that got recorded on the CRM. You can sort the results by different columns, you can also select some or all transactions and make different actions, like sending email, updating the transactions and more.

More searches and reports are under development, and will be added there as they come. If you have suggestions for more helpful searches, please reach out to and we’ll do our best to add them for everyone’s benefit.

(For more advanced users: Please note that essentially those searches are Search Kit based. If you need to make some tweaks to those searches, you can go to Search > Search Kit > Packaged Searches, clone the search that you want to modify and save it in a different name.)