New Yahrzeit Tokens for email/print

When emailing/printing a letter for a mourner, you can use these tokens to include information about the yahrzeit they observe.
Specifically these tokens will only print information for the first related Yahrzeit-contact found. 


Token Name What it does
First Yahrzeit's Hebrew Name Hebrew name of the first contact found with relationship 'yahrzeit observed in memory of'
First Yahrzeit's Relationship (parent or father/mother if gender is set First Yahrzeit's Relationship (parent or father/mother if gender is set
First Yahrzeit's Hebrew deceased date prints hebrew date of death of first contact found with relationship 'yahrzeit observed in memory of' (NO YEAR)
First Yahrzeit's English yahrzeit date Evening prints value of next hebrew yahrzeit for first contact found with relationship 'yahrzeit observed in memory of'
First Yahrzeit's English yahrzeit date Morning prints the date of the day after the next hebrew yahrzeit for first contact found with relationship 'yahrzeit observed in memory of'
First Yahrzeit's English yahrzeit day Evening (day only) prints Day only (Monday, Tuesday,...) of next hebrew yahrzeit for first contact found with relationship 'yahrzeit observed in memory of'
First Yahrzeit's English yahrzeit day Morning (day only) prints the day of the day after the next hebrew yahrzeit for first contact found with relationship 'yahrzeit observed in memory of'