How to Send an Invoice with a Link Included

If someone pledged you money, you can send them an Invoice with a direct link to pay their pledge online.


1. Create a pending contribution. Making sure that the ontribution Status is "Pending".  

2. Create and save a new Contribution Page to be used for invoicing, by going to Contributions > New Contribution Page.

3. You will need to configure your settings by going to Administer > CiviContribute > CiviContribute Component Settings > Set the Default Invoice Payment Page to the contribution page you just created. 


Sending Invoices:

4. Select the pending contributions you want to send invoices to:

  • From the contact page: Go to Contributions, click on the 3 dots on the right end of the Pending contribution, then click "Send Letter".
  • From a search: Contributions > Find Contributions, make sure to select "Pending Contributions" in the Contribution Status. Check the boxes next to the contributions, then select "Thank-you letters - print or email" from the Actions drop-down menu. Under the "Print and email options" menu, make sure to select one of the "send emails where possible..." options. 

5. Generate your invoice template in the document body. Insert the following link as a hyperlink somewhere in the body of the email for the pending contributor to pay:{contact.checksum}&ccid={}&cid={}

(Make sure to change with your site's URL, and the ID=10 with the correct contribution page ID number of the page you have created. You can find the ID number by going to Contributions > Manage Contribution Pages.)

6. Thats it! Make sure your "from" email address has the same domain name as your website.

Hatzlacha Invoicing.