If your event has free admission but you would like to give the option to make a donation.
Step 1: Create a price set
- Navigate to Administer > CiviEvent > Manage Price Sets & click 'Add set of price fields'
- Type in your 'Price Set title'. Could be: Optional Donation or anything similar.
- Used for: Event
- Default Financial Type: Donation
- Make sure the "Price set is active" checkbox is clicked and the rest of the fields can be left blank
- click save
Step 2: Create price field
- Type in the Field label. should be something like Amount or Donation Amount
- Input Field Type: Text / Numeric Quantity
- Price: 1
- Financial Type: Donation
- Make sure to uncheck "Display Amount"
- Visibility: Public
- Active: Checked
- Save
Step 3: Add the price set to your event form
- Navigate to your event configurations page: events > manage events
- Next to the event in question, click configure > info and settings
- Click to the fees tab
- Suggestion: for Fee label change Event fee(s) to Optional Donation or Sponorship
- In Price Set: Select the price set you just created and save.
Your event form will now have an Amount field that allows your participant to donate an arbitrary amount.
If you would like to also give the option to select a sponsorship level with a fixed amount:
Step 1: Configure your price set
- Navigate to Administer > CiviEvent > Manage Price Sets
- To the right of 'Optional Donation' click 'View and edit Price Fields'
- Click 'Add Price Field'
- Type in Field label. Example: Sponsorship Amounts
- Input field type: Checkbox
- Enter the different Sponsorship Levels.
- Label can be something like full Sponsor, sponsor table or the like.
- Amount: Put in the amount. Exmaple: 72
- Financial type: Donation
- Leave the rest as is
- Save