Chametz Sale Form


Status message


The Chametz Sale Form is provided as a tool to facilitate selling chametz, however Chabad Suite does not sell chametz.

Please make arrangements with your Rov to sell the Chametz Sale submissions you receive.

The Chametz sale form is now available for all users. You can access it from the administrator area (Administrator > Forms > Built-in forms > Chametz Sale Form)

Before using it for the first time, you need to set up some small things. 


Setting Up the Form


Begin by configuring the message that introduces and describes the Chametz form.

Step 1: Open the form by clicking on the words “Chametz Sale Form” above, or by typing 

Step 2: Edit the block above the horizontal line. 


Continue to the form settings to configure the form.

Step 1: Click on the Form Settings button.


Step 2: Fill out the configurations

In the settings page, you can control the following:

  1. Turn the form on/off, to prevent getting submissions after you sold all the chametz etc.

  2. Set the optional donation’s currency and payment processor (only and Stripe are supported. Also, make sure not to select the test processor).

  3. Update the text the seller needs to agree on with the sale. Make sure to add your name as a buyer, or change the text as you wish.

  4. Set the confirmation email - where is it going to be sent from, and what is the sender’s name (make sure to only use your domain-based email address. ( and the like is not supported)

  5. Add a short text to the confirmation email (make sure not to use tokens).

  6. Add up to 3 email addresses that will be notified with new submission. 

Click save - and your form is ready!

Note, that if you have a previous chametz form, the old one will still be accessible through Forms > Custom Forms. Those older forms do not have all the above features. You may choose to choose either one you like.